Shipping and return policies for Laylow Martinez

Shipping Info
We currently offer 3 shipping options within the United States: Standard, Expedited and Express. Visit our Shipping and Policies page for all of the details including information about costs, eligibility, tracking your package, gift packaging and more.Should your order arrive damaged, please contact us immediately so that we can do our best to resolve the issue. Please verify your shipping address is correct at checkout (through our shop AND through PayPal if you choose to checkout with their services) before submitting your order. We are not responsible for orders ...
orders arrive anywhere between 2 and 10 work days of purchases. No refunds for digital downloaded Music
Return Policy
Return policy
Digital downloads are not returnable or refundable. There are no exchanges based on the production values of the download. TMMG does not create the content sold which is done by record companies, artist, producers, etc. Once downloading has commenced TMMG cannot accept cancellations or provide any refunds. We provide audio samples of 30 to 90 seconds on nearly all tracks for sale at a bit rate of mp3 128kbps, and encourage you to sample the audio before committing to a purchase.